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Sunday, October 24, 2010

multimedia r00m again!

i'm in da multimedia r00m again!as usual i had finished my w0rk s0 datz y i updated my bl0g n0w! i'm interested 2 st0ry b0ut da unnual dinner f0rm 3 dat i had been attended...0n dat tyme, i'm being da emcee...da annual dinner had been d0ne at sutra beach's n0t 2 far fr0m my skewl...when first we arrved there, we rested at a r00m dat have been's really enj0y c0z there are 0nly 5 girls in da room c0z bwp 10/11 0nly have 5 girls...we're seem having a vcati0n thre...but 0ur f0cus thre was 2 prepared da hall 4 da annual dnner...we're n0t hving 2 much pr0blem hndling da annual dnner...but seri0usly i said dat da annual dnner really mde me frst, all dat we had planned fl0w nicely but it's 2 bad when da stdents 0f f0rm3 can't tke pixca n have 2 g0 back quickly as da annual dnner is bc0z da HEP didn't want da b0ys n girls s2dent tke pixca 2gther...all da s2dents were very mad!they hate 2 f0ll0w da 0rder!hurm...p00r them yup!actually da HEP n da Principle didn't like da way they dressed 0n dat nyte...they're 2's seem like mjsc kay tee didn't hve rules...da gurls dressed 2 tight...n i think datz the main reas0n y HEP asked them 2 g0 bck quickly...hurmmm...let's st0p tlking b0ut da f0rm 3 annual dnner...
N0W, i wanna tell b0ut da f0rm 5 s2dents annual dnner....their annual will be held at ri-yaz heritage bay club on diz's 0nly 2 days m0re left...i can't wait 2 attend da annual dnner...i really h0pe dat da annual dnner f0r f0rm 5 will be fl0w fluently

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

from da multimedia room MJSC KT

well, now i'm in my skewl's multimedia room...i had finished up my work so it's tyme 4 me 2 update my bl0g...huhuhu...hurm, i would like 2 st0ry b0ut da laz eid's quite b0ring u kn0w but i really grateful dat i still can clbrte it diz year...h0w b0ut nex year?wallahualam...on da 1st eid, as usual my sister n i had 2 tidy da h0use 4 da laz tyme b4 da pe0ple came...then, we were g0ing 2 visit 0ur's enj0y when all my relatives make a k0nv0i n we were visiting all 0ur relatives 2gther...but it's very spo0iled dat when i'm g0ing h0me,thre were a l0t 0f pe0ple in my h0use...i'm very b0ring when i had 2 treat all 0f them...huh!at night, s0me 0f my rlatives came 2 my h0use 2 play MERCUN!hahaha....mercun can't be apart fr0m eid clbrati0n...da chldren l00ked very excited!da same g0ing 2 me...hehe...such a kid!then, my br0ther n his frenz were d0ing sumthing with da kazen als0 tried da's s0 funny!
0n da 2nd n 3rd eid, i juz stayed at h0me...a l0t 0f pe0ple visited my h0use until i can't get 0ut fr0m my h0use...but luckily me c0z there were my kazen wh0 acc0mpanied me during my b0ring tyme...thnx a l0t 2 y0ng,mirah,syasha,kak ya,fifa,indah n rafiq da cute baby!during my 0pen h0use, my kzen, akem had being a char kuey teow chef!everytyme my kzen n i will asked him 2 c00kes da char kuey te0w...i als0 tried 2 c00ked dat!it's interesting!hehehehehe....0verall i thnk my eid clbrti0n is n0t t00 bad...there are als0 a0me thngs dat mke my eid bec0me prfect!

Saturday, August 28, 2010's 0ver!

huh...there's a l0t 0f medicine dat i rceive fr0m da dct0r but it d0esn't gve me any effect...actually, what is my disease???i'm dazing...i als0 had d0 da MRI scan...datz my first exprience...i had 2 enter da big tunnel n can't m0ve 4 half an h0ur...huhu...wht a great exprience...but i'm still dazing c0z da d0ct0r said i'm juz fine n juz had mgrain...wht such 0f mgrain i had???alm0st all da time i feel da pain...i'm tired 0f all diz...until da laz wdnesday when my fther asked an 'ustaz' 2 had a check 0n me...u believe what!actually there's 'sumthing' in my b0dy...the 'thing' stayed ar0und 0n my sh0ulders n my neck...'it' prevent da bl00d fr0m entering my brain...datz why i suffered headache alm0st everytime...da 'ustaz' hit my sh0ulders wif his rattan...dat s0 hurt...i can't st0p crying 0n dat time...embarrasing!i d0n't care...n i still can feel da pain sh0ulders had a w0rst w0und causing by da hit wif da rattan...but alhamdulillah n0w i d0n't suffer da headache anym0re......thanx ya Allah!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

terjawab akhirnya.....

hurm...dh hmpir sbln lbih ak mnderita skit kpla tp ak lgsg x pg check kt klinik...ak p0wn xta0 skt ape sbnrnyer...smpai la klmrin bler ak dh pg klinik ak p0wn ta0 la ape sbnrnyer pnykit ak...x la serius sgt...dktr kter drh rndh n migrain...cket's nvermind...i still can act as actual...n0 need 2 be a weak girl...i must pretend as a str0ng girl...although juz i can feel diz pain...i d0n't hve 2 shre my pain either wif my fmly or my fwen...let them hepy wif their life s0 dat i'll be epy 2...all 0f them had helped a l0t...i sh0uld thnx 2 them n n0t mke they w0rried b0ut me...i still can survive...well...i'm sure i can face diz pain al0ne!!!!!0k!let's we talk ab0ut 0ther we kn0w,n0w we r in the m0nth's of rmdhn...pejam celik pejam celik 2day is already 6 rmdhn...then we will clbrte 0ur hari raya on syawal...juz a few days fr0m n0w...huhu...n0w i wanna tlk ab0ut my laz stndrdised 3 exm...i've got 7a's n's en0ugh 4 me...but as a human-being 0f c0z we wnt a better rsult...i really h0pe 0ne day i'll get straight a's...datz my dream~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

SeMeStEr 1 h0LiDaY!!!

well!!!2day is da f0urth day i'm back 2 skewl after 2weeks 0n hldy...huhu...u kn0w what!a l0t 0f hmewrks i need 2 d0!!!juz mke my hldy full 0f hldy is actually n0t like i'd dreaming b4...i'd dream 4 a such prfect hlidy with0ut any stdy b00ks...but p00r me it's n0t!!!but!it's n0t as w0rst as i didn't hve any epy actvty 0n my hlidy...actually i hve s0me intresting actvty i d0 in my hlidy...da first thng is my fmily n i went 2 bkit merah,kl n phg!at bkit merah,we rest at 0ur h0me which is l0cated near da plce where a l0t 0f pe0ple there hve fun!i als0 hve fun there...then,we buy s0me equipments 2 put in that h0use as dat h0use is abs0lutely still new....then,at kl as usual we juz hve a rest at seri pcific n sh0pping!!!at phg,we visited my uncle's fmily...dat is da first time i went 2 their h0use...i luv it!!!da m0st vluable mm0ry 4 me on my past hlidy is da reuni0n 0f my primary skewl...wh0ah!!!!i still rmember da m0ments where we ate at kfc btu br0k n n0t f0rg0t 2 hve a ph0t0graphy sessi0n wif all my fwenz!!!0ur bm tcher,cg faudzi is n0t exceptable...i miz dat time vry much...0n da sc0nd week,we fly 2 kl again c0z my dad had a meeting thre...s0,my sblings n i 0f c0z sh0pping!!!bye2

Sunday, May 30, 2010

few dayz left 4 my skewl hliday.....

huh...i luv my skewl...d0n't feel like wanna back h0me l0l...ahhh...i really really really really enj0y when my semester exminati0n had past!i can hve fun!n0 need 2 stdy anym0re...juz play play play n play m0re...but!datz n0t mean i d0n't have 2 stdy 4ever c0z we still hve a l0ng j0urney t0 be success!we still hve semester 2 n then f3,f4,f5 n colleage!arrgghh!!!!i can't wait 4 dat...relax2...n n0w i will shre s0me 0f my's really upset when we kn0w da pers0n datz we luv n we cre will be apart fr0m us...datz thing hppen 2 me...after diz one 0f UNFORESEEN's member will left unf0reseen...she will be g0ing t0 mrsm tawau,sabah...wht a far place...i really h0pe she will nver 4get UNFORSEEN here...i had planned a game 4 all UNFORESEEN's member diz wednesday...hpe diz event will be success!0k!st0p tlking b0ut diz thing!n0w we g0 2 the t0pic 0f we kn0w,diz week is da laz week 4 semester 1 n all 0f da primary skewl n sc0ndary skewl s2dent will hve a hliday 4 2 weeks!n i'll be g0ing 2 my village,kedah!really miz t0k,t0kwan,bendang n n0t f0rg0t all my kazen!miz them a l0t...i als0 be g0ing 2 malacca f0r da sukma event...nina n yaya als0 be there!yah!epy3!!!n i'm sure my prents will be very busy n let us mke 0ur 0wn actvty...yeah!!!juz wait 2 play bwling,wtch m0vie at cinema n 0f c0z sh0pping!!!!!!huhuhu...hurmm...then i will c0ntinue my vi0lin claz at yamaha...i wanna play m0re new s0ngs...huhuhu...datz all f0r n0w!dadadada................

Thursday, April 8, 2010

i luv b0wling!

4 ur in4mti0n 2day i had a b0wling t0urnament 4 MSSMT...i played 4 KTU....i really enj0y....we had practise 4 2 skewl send 12 s2dents 2 prtcipted in diz b0wling t0urnament...all 0f them were very sp0rting....either b0y 0r girls, we r very cl0sed....n i miz da time where we're practising 2gther wif miss afni...luv u miss afni!!!!i g0t 8th placed in diz b0wling t0urnment wif t0tal marks 505 in 4 games....i really satisfied wif da marks alth0ugh i'm n0t da winner...seems da winner were all SUKMA players s0, i d0n't mind if i'm l0se....all da KTU plyer were n0t ch0sen 2 da next stge at melaka....well!diz is my first exprienced prtcipted in diz t0urnment n i abs0lutely like it!h0pe 2 prtcpted it again 4 da next year!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

activity 0n h0liday.....

huhu...i luv ystrday...h0pe i can turned back da time....i really enj0y played b0wling wif my fwen n da m0st thing i enj0y ysterday is vi0lin claz!huh!at laz i kn0w a little thngs ab0ut least i kn0w h0w 2 h0ld it n play s0me easy's quite difficult 2 play da vi0lin...but i really luved it!play vi0lin is n0w my h0bby...alm0st every leisure time i'll play it..i like da vi0lin s0ngs...i h0pe i can learn m0re sweet s0ngs...s0 dat i can play t everyday with0ut feeling any b0red....i wish 2 be a pr0fessi0nal vi0lin player 1 day....ahakz!wht a high h0pe.....erm...b0ut 2m0rr0w i dun't feel like i wanna g0...i wnt 2 rest at h0me...d0n't want 2 g0 2 surabaya....i g0 there 4 6 days....wht a l0ng time...hurmmm

Thursday, March 11, 2010

~oPeN nEw b00k 0F 2010~

wlc0me 2010!!!!!!
i've g0t a l0t 0f st0ries 2 shre 2day...yeah!as u all kn0w n0w we're in 2010 n i hadn't updte my bl0g f0r alm0st 3 m0nths!OMG!wht a l0ng time....first i'll tell ab0ut my life at h0me in 2010...

*at home/wif fmily*
yea!!!i g0t my 0wn r00m diz year n i'm use it n0w...i very luv diz r00m...full 0f pink!it sh0ws dat i'm a girl! h0use abs0lutely chnge in da year 0f's really unf0rseen...n i like wif da chnge!then in diz year 2 i had been 2 bibik's h0met0wn...say hell0 2 bndung,ind0nesia!datz mean i had been 2 ind0n f0r 2 times...n in diz week 2 i'm g0ing 2 ind0n again...but i'm n0t g0ing 2 bndung..i'll g0ing 2 surabaya...i can't wait 2 g0 there...n0w!i'm 0n's a sem 1 skewl hliday...i'm in h0liday 4 a's en0ugh 4 me 2 let 0ff my miss 2 my h0use...0h0h0h0h0......

*at skewl/wif fwenz*
i luv my skewl n0w!n0 m0re h0mesicks...n n0 m0re tears....juz full 0f laughters n hppiness wif all my super crazy sp0rting fwenz...luv my r00mates,luv my clazmate n als0 luv my batch!unf0rseen batch!datz my btch nme n 0ur btch s0ng is thr0ugh my wnd0w by bunkface....i'm da vice leader of unf0rseen btch...i'm quite g0t headache diz year thnking b0ut da btch but i'm really enj0y...diz year als0 i had been emcee 4 3 times...1st i be emcee 0f event plncrn gmlng f0rm 3&5...2nd event 0f registrati0n s2dent f0rm 1&4 n 3rd f0r event maulidur rsul...but n0t all 0f my life full 0f j0y.......there's s0me 0f things in my skewl i hte!especially wif da new bad rulez!!!da rulez juz messy my life n messy da life 0f all mjsc kt s2dents!!!!!!!!!i als0 hate when f0rm 2 s2dents dat is me had f0rced 2 chnge 0ur claz...fr0m da new bl0k,we had 2 chnge 2 da 0ld bl0c.....arghhh!!!!it's incredibly h0t n small claz than da new bl0c classes.....0k!st0p tlking wif da bad things...n0w we chnge 2 an0ther sp0rt event 0f my skewl laz m0nth,i had prticipte in event 0f 'l0mpat tinggi'....but p00r me,i'm n0t 0ne 0f da winner...but it's ok!as l0ng as i'm enj0y da experienced!4 ur in4mati0n, ystrday is da laz day i'm sit 0n exam 0f slaras 1...s0me 0f da paper easy 4 me n s0me 0f them is very difficult...da m0st difficult are hist0ry n science...h0wever, i really h0pe diz time i will pass my exam wif flying c0l0urs.....

based 0n my life in 2010 dat i write juz n0w, i really h0pe dat diz year will be btter than laz year............i want diz year will be da bez year 4 me!n n0w i'm in f0rm 2....must be m0re mtured than laz year......huhuhu.....i wnt my life full 0f j0y n laughters.....n0 m0re sad thngs dat juz wste my tears....i h0pe....................