huh...there's a l0t 0f medicine dat i rceive fr0m da dct0r but it d0esn't gve me any effect...actually, what is my disease???i'm dazing...i als0 had d0 da MRI scan...datz my first exprience...i had 2 enter da big tunnel n can't m0ve 4 half an h0ur...huhu...wht a great exprience...but i'm still dazing c0z da d0ct0r said i'm juz fine n juz had mgrain...wht such 0f mgrain i had???alm0st all da time i feel da pain...i'm tired 0f all diz...until da laz wdnesday when my fther asked an 'ustaz' 2 had a check 0n me...u believe what!actually there's 'sumthing' in my b0dy...the 'thing' stayed ar0und 0n my sh0ulders n my neck...'it' prevent da bl00d fr0m entering my brain...datz why i suffered headache alm0st everytime...da 'ustaz' hit my sh0ulders wif his rattan...dat s0 hurt...i can't st0p crying 0n dat time...embarrasing!i d0n't care...n i still can feel da pain sh0ulders had a w0rst w0und causing by da hit wif da rattan...but alhamdulillah n0w i d0n't suffer da headache anym0re......thanx ya Allah!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
terjawab akhirnya.....
hurm...dh hmpir sbln lbih ak mnderita skit kpla tp ak lgsg x pg check kt klinik...ak p0wn xta0 skt ape sbnrnyer...smpai la klmrin bler ak dh pg klinik ak p0wn ta0 la ape sbnrnyer pnykit ak...x la serius sgt...dktr kter drh rndh n migrain...cket's nvermind...i still can act as actual...n0 need 2 be a weak girl...i must pretend as a str0ng girl...although juz i can feel diz pain...i d0n't hve 2 shre my pain either wif my fmly or my fwen...let them hepy wif their life s0 dat i'll be epy 2...all 0f them had helped a l0t...i sh0uld thnx 2 them n n0t mke they w0rried b0ut me...i still can survive...well...i'm sure i can face diz pain al0ne!!!!!0k!let's we talk ab0ut 0ther we kn0w,n0w we r in the m0nth's of rmdhn...pejam celik pejam celik 2day is already 6 rmdhn...then we will clbrte 0ur hari raya on syawal...juz a few days fr0m n0w...huhu...n0w i wanna tlk ab0ut my laz stndrdised 3 exm...i've got 7a's n's en0ugh 4 me...but as a human-being 0f c0z we wnt a better rsult...i really h0pe 0ne day i'll get straight a's...datz my dream~
Posted by imaginary diva at 5:25 PM 0 comments