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Sunday, May 30, 2010

few dayz left 4 my skewl hliday.....

huh...i luv my skewl...d0n't feel like wanna back h0me l0l...ahhh...i really really really really enj0y when my semester exminati0n had past!i can hve fun!n0 need 2 stdy anym0re...juz play play play n play m0re...but!datz n0t mean i d0n't have 2 stdy 4ever c0z we still hve a l0ng j0urney t0 be success!we still hve semester 2 n then f3,f4,f5 n colleage!arrgghh!!!!i can't wait 4 dat...relax2...n n0w i will shre s0me 0f my's really upset when we kn0w da pers0n datz we luv n we cre will be apart fr0m us...datz thing hppen 2 me...after diz one 0f UNFORESEEN's member will left unf0reseen...she will be g0ing t0 mrsm tawau,sabah...wht a far place...i really h0pe she will nver 4get UNFORSEEN here...i had planned a game 4 all UNFORESEEN's member diz wednesday...hpe diz event will be success!0k!st0p tlking b0ut diz thing!n0w we g0 2 the t0pic 0f we kn0w,diz week is da laz week 4 semester 1 n all 0f da primary skewl n sc0ndary skewl s2dent will hve a hliday 4 2 weeks!n i'll be g0ing 2 my village,kedah!really miz t0k,t0kwan,bendang n n0t f0rg0t all my kazen!miz them a l0t...i als0 be g0ing 2 malacca f0r da sukma event...nina n yaya als0 be there!yah!epy3!!!n i'm sure my prents will be very busy n let us mke 0ur 0wn actvty...yeah!!!juz wait 2 play bwling,wtch m0vie at cinema n 0f c0z sh0pping!!!!!!huhuhu...hurmm...then i will c0ntinue my vi0lin claz at yamaha...i wanna play m0re new s0ngs...huhuhu...datz all f0r n0w!dadadada................